My spiritual journey began at the age of 16 travelling home from work on the underground. My carriage was empty, when suddenly a man dressed in formal Jewish attire came and sat opposite me "where had he come from?" the train hadn't stopped. He spoke to me and said his name was Abraham.
I was brought up never to speak to strangers so was very un-nerved at the next stop (which was mine) I hurriedly left the carriage to walk home.
Half way home I felt someone behind me, turning slightly, I could see Abraham keeping pace with me. I ran the rest of the way home, but on reaching my front door he had disappeared. My mother thought I had possibly seen Spirit, she had been waiting for me to be aware for sometime. That Sunday she took me with her to the local Spiritual Church, when the medium got up to do her demonstration I told mum I could see my late Grandfather standing beside her. Sure enough, the medium came to us and relayed all that Grandad was saying, giving me proof it was actually him!
From that day on my Spirtual journey began. Mum as a Tarot reader taught me all she could about the Spirit World, her experiences as a young child and her family who were all Spiritual.
I feel very privleged to work with spirit and being able to bring evidence that our loved ones are around us but also give comfort and joy to people that the presence of their loved ones live on in the spirit world.
Over the years I have had some great teachers that I can only thank but it was about 10 years ago I was given the final push to demonstrate my mediumship and for this I am truly grateful, but the greatest teacher of all is spirit.
A big thanks to my family who give me the support and encouragement and believe in my work.